You've finished your masters degree, 
you know what you need to know, 

This is your year!


Problem is- the school counseling field can be super-competitive, and if you're not prepared, you may not snag that position as quickly as you'd like.

Finding a school counseling job can feel overwhelming and stressful, and going it alone can feel lonely.  

Many of us were never prepared to interview in our grad programs.

Many of our grad programs THOUGHT they prepared us for school counseling interviews, but friends- times are changing.

So what's the problem?

School for School Counselors was founded on helping aspiring school counselors get hired quickly and easily. We've worked with lots of school counselors and helped them enter the profession faster than they thought possible.

We have the solution!

The good news...

Stand out among other applicants because of your extensive expertise and knowledge? (You know more than you think you do- we'll help you harness it!)

Feel proud to send in your polished and bulletproof résumé that is sure to get read instead of lost in the stack?

Walk into an interview feeling confident and prepared, knowing you have a FOOLPROOF STRATEGY to answer ANY question that's thrown at you? (Including the really weird ones...)

What if you could...

What's included??

That's Why We Created
"Get the Job!"

We walk you through EVERYTHING to go BEYOND successful and stand out among all other applicants! With workshops, templates, printables, and a BOATLOAD of bonuses, you'll feel prepped and primed for interview time!

You know you're amazing, but when you sit down to work on your resume' and stare at that blinking cursor... it feels hard to get the info into the right spots and sounding the way you want it to. What should the format look like? How long should it be? Am I saying this correctly? 

We cover ALL this and more as we help you to craft a KILLER resume' that stands out against all the other applicants!

Workshop 1: Craft a KILLER resume'

Learn how to artfully infuse data into your discussion, customizing the conversation to that campus and making it sound like you're speaking sweet music right to your interview panel's ears! In this workshop we cover:
What's the data you need to know about?
What does the data mean? (There are so many nuances beyond the surface statistics!)
Where can I find it FAST? And communicate it like a boss?

While you're thinking about making connections with students and implementing curriculum, your interview panel is likely thinking about stats and the bottom line.

Workshop 2: Learn to Speak Your Interviewer's Love Language

Sure, you're a smart cookie and could probably come up with SOMETHING in the moment (palms sweating, heart racing...), but what if you could develop a foolproof approach to your interview that virtually GUARANTEES a polished, I-got-this, stress-free answer for ANY question that gets thrown your way?

We know how to do this, and we'll teach you how to do it, too!

Searching for school counselor interview questions on the internet? BAD IDEA. What happens if you get asked an off-the-wall question you didn't prepare for?

Workshop 3: Create Your Bulletproof Interview Strategy

Find You Counselor Superpowers is one of our most downloaded resources of all time, and we'll give it to you FREE to help guide your interview strategy. Discover your own unique superpowers and how to convey those to your panel to stand head and shoulders above the other applicants.

Discover your Counseling Superpowers!


We'll give you our data tracking worksheet (don't worry- it's quick and easy!), as well as a portfolio/resume' template for communicating all your amazing expertise through data.
Ten minutes: done!
(plus, you'll look like a TOTAL rock star...)

Data Tracking Worksheet


We'll give you a FREE template for writing an EPIC letter of introduction to a prospective principal; or school district. How do you communicate your awesomeness without sounding over-the-top? We'll show you how to strike the right balance and have principals BEGGING to interview you!

Letter of Introduction Template


Also- Bonus Shortcuts!

These practice interviews are the stuff legends are made of! Our Hot Seat interviews are our most-requested event in SSC HISTORY, and we're giving them to you- free! Whether you volunteer to participate or just want to observe, there's TONS to learn as we pair your bulletproof interview strategy with constructive feedback & suggestions. GOLD!!!

Because we want you to succeed, we're offering these ADDITIONAL free resources...

But wait... there's more!

FREE: Our SUPER-LEGENDARY Hot Seat Mock Interviews!

FREE- Professional Resume' Templates (editable!)

Sometimes the hardest part about preparing your resume' is deciding what the dang thing should look like! Since variety is the spice of life, we're giving you several polished, professionally-designed template choices especially for your Document of Personal School Counselor Awesomeness- all easily editable!

BONUS training: Craft Your Perfect Portfolio

FREE guide: Power Phrases that Get Attention

How do you put some "oomph!" into your letter of introduction, emails, or resume'? We'll show you how to bring life to your word choice to create dynamic writing sure to pique your interviewers' interest and have them clamoring to talk to you. Rock Star status, here you come!

Do you need a portfolio to get hired? What needs to be in it? Paper or electronic?
Learn how to craft the perfect portfolio to expertly showcase your expertise. We'll break down both paper and electronic versions to help you put your best foot forward.

1. Sign up for "Get the Job!"

Here's How It Works...

2. Start watching and working through the modules and bonus materials:

Craft Your Killer Résumé

Learn to Speak your Interviewer's Love Language

Create Your Bulletproof Interview Strategy

3. Join us in our live work sessions to ask questions, get feedback on your progress, or practice answering interview questions.

(Spoiler: There's also a TON of private coaching happening here, where we walk you through your specific issues, questions or knowledge gaps. We strive to overdeliver, and in these work sessions, it shows.)

Even if you don't know what to ask, you can join us anyway... It's amazing what you learn just by listening!

Live Work Session Dates for 2024

January 21
February 18
March 10
April 7
May 5
June 2


“I had a really tough year graduating during the pandemic and trying to find a job. It honestly felt like I would never find a position in the field. I came across School for School Counselors and I was immediately blown away from the moment I joined the group! Steph and the other moderators are communicative, helpful and so sweet - they go out of their way to provide feedback, answer questions and put out material that is meticulously crafted and well-executed. ‘Get the Job’ was an invaluable resource to me during my search; the program helped me to craft an interview strategy that was straightforward, effective and tailored to my strengths. The live Hot Seat mock interviews and Work Sessions were also great opportunities to practice the skills learned in GTJ and hear the perspective of other counselors in the field looking to get hired. I feel indebted to S4SC and I cannot thank Steph and her team enough for all of their hard work! I was able to land a job in a fairly competitive city so take it from me, you will not regret signing up for this program!“ 

" I feel indebted to S4SC and I cannot thank Steph and her team enough for all of their hard work!"


"I had a week with the amazing creators of School for School Counselors. They are not people that teach you the answers to interview questions. They are dedicated professionals that will challenge you to think about yourself, passions, skills, and put all of that together to spark confidence in who you are. The things you will discover will help you feel better about yourself, your role, and attitude when you next interview comes. I have truly had to think deep down and realize some talents I did not think I had. I have learned so much from them. They are the real deal. They do not sugarcoat, and they are the best cheerleaders ever. I am ecstatic that I have met them. If you are not sure what to do in interviews, resumes, cover letters, and etc, look no further than School for School Counselors."

"If you are not sure what to do in interviews, resumes, cover letters, and etc, look no further than School for School Counselors"


"Much love for you and this incredible group! I know ya hate to hear it, but I really wouldn't be here in my DREAM job without all those prep conversations with you!"


OMG! This workshop was truly worth its weight and gold, plus some. The knowledge and experience that Steph and Brooke bring to the table will take your resume and interviewing skills to a whole new level. The do's and don'ts of what to say, how to say it, what to write, how to word it left me awestruck at how they could take something so unrefined (my resume) and transform it into a polished work of art. I cannot wait to submit it on my next interview!!


kind words